Ruxley Church

The Church on the Lane

Welcome to Ruxley Church

An inclusive worshipping community;
united in Christ, serving others

new church welcome page

Christmas 2024 Services and Events

See Our Services page for details of our services and events leading up to Christmas. 

Click on the image on the right for a printable PDF file.

Christmas services

House-for-Duty Anglican Priest

We are currently advertising for a House-for-Duty Anglican Priest. See the Advert and Parish Profile

Weekly Newsletter

Our weekly Newsletter

To keep up to date with what is going on, sign up to receive our Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Fitznell's Concert Christmas Crafts New Venture Concert

About us

Ruxley Church is an Anglican-Methodist ecumenical partnership, and as we worship God together we continually discover that life in him through our Lord Jesus Christ brings peace, hope and a sense of purpose in all we do.

We hope when you have browsed our website you will find something that interests you and will want to come and meet us in person. If that's the case we look forward to meeting you at one of our regular Sunday services or perhaps you'd like to join us for coffee or tea and cake on a Thursday morning. We are a friendly lot and don't bite!

However, if you have questions about faith, or are finding life a struggle and would like to talk with someone, please don't be afraid to contact one of our Ministry Team. We don't claim to have all the answers, but we're very willing to listen and help you explore further.

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